Our Guide To Keeping Batik Nerite Snail
About Fish Species:
- Scientific name: Neritina sp.
- Common name: Batik Nerite Snail
- Family: Neritidae
- Origin: Southeast Asia, including Indonesia and Thailand
- Adult size: Up to 2.5 cm
- Lifespan: 1 to 2 years
Tank Setup:
- Batik Nerite Snails require a stable aquarium environment with good water quality.
- Provide smooth surfaces such as rocks and driftwood for them to graze on.
Water Parameters:
- Maintain a pH level between 7.0 to 8.5 and a water hardness of 5 to 12 dKH.
- Keep the water temperature in the range of 22 to 28°C (72 to 82°F).
Filtration and Water Flow:
- Use a gentle filtration system to avoid strong water currents that may stress the snails.
- Batik Nerite Snails are herbivores and feed primarily on algae and biofilm.
- Supplement their diet with algae wafers or blanched vegetables like zucchini or cucumber if algae is insufficient.
Tank mates:
- Batik Nerite Snails are peaceful and can be kept with most freshwater fish and invertebrates.
- They are particularly beneficial in community tanks for their algae-eating habits.
Behavior and Compatibility:
- Batik Nerite Snails are active grazers and will constantly move around the tank in search of algae.
- They are not known to bother other tank inhabitants and are generally compatible with a wide range of fish species.