Riverpark Aquatics

Flowerhorn Cichlid (Hybrid)

£15.00 inc. VAT
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Our Guide To Keeping Flowerhorn Cichlid Fish

  1. About Fish Species:

    • Scientific name: Amphilophus labiatus, Amphilophus trimaculatum, hybrid blood parrot cichlid
    • Common name: Flowerhorn Cichlid
    • Family: Cichlidae
    • Origin: Central America (thought to be a hybrid)
    • Adult length: Up to 30 cm (12 inches)
    • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  2. Tank Setup:

    • Flowerhorn Cichlids require a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots and territories. A minimum tank size of 200L is recommended for a single fish.
    • Provide caves, rocks, and driftwood for shelter and to establish territories.
  3. Water Parameters:

    • Flowerhorn Cichlids prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.
    • Keep the water temperature between 26 to 30°C (79 to 86°F).
  4. Filtration and Water Flow:

    • Efficient filtration is essential to maintain water quality as Flowerhorn Cichlids are messy eaters. A powerful filter with adequate biological and mechanical filtration is recommended.
    • Provide moderate water flow, but avoid strong currents that may stress the fish.
  5. Diet:

    • Flowerhorn Cichlids are omnivorous and have a hearty appetite. Offer them a varied diet consisting of high-quality pellets, flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small feeder fish.
    • Ensure a balanced diet to promote vibrant coloration and overall health.
  6. Tank mates:

    • Flowerhorn Cichlids are territorial and aggressive towards other fish, especially during breeding or when establishing territories.
    • It's best to keep them alone in the tank or with larger, robust fish that can hold their own against the Flowerhorn's aggression.
  7. Behavior and Compatibility:

    • Flowerhorn Cichlids are known for their unique personalities and can exhibit aggressive behavior, especially towards tank mates or intruders in their territory.
    • Monitor their behavior closely and be prepared to provide adequate space and hiding spots to minimize aggression.

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