Riverpark Aquatics

Ideii Betta (Betta ideii) UK bred F1

£20.00 inc. VAT

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Our Guide To Keeping Betta ideii Fish

  1. About Fish Species:

    • Scientific name: Betta ideii
    • Common name: Ideii Betta
    • Family: Osphronemidae
    • Origin: Southeast Asia, primarily Borneo
    • Adult length: 5-7 cm
    • Lifespan: 3 to 5 years
    • Diet: Carnivore
    • Care Level: Moderate
    • Temperament: Semi-aggressive (especially males)
  2. Tank Setup:

    • Provide a densely planted tank with low lighting, as they prefer a natural, dim environment with floating plants and leaf litter.
    • Include driftwood and caves for hiding spots and to replicate their natural habitat.
    • A tank size of at least 20L for a single Betta ideii is recommended, with larger setups for multiple individuals.
  3. Water Parameters:

    • Maintain a pH range of 5.0 to 7.0.
    • Keep the water temperature between 24 to 28°C (75 to 82°F).
    • Soft, acidic water mimics their natural conditions best.
  4. Filtration and Water Flow:

    • Use a gentle filtration system, as Betta ideii prefer slow-moving water.
    • A sponge filter is ideal for providing adequate filtration without creating strong currents.
  5. Diet:

    • Betta ideii are carnivores and thrive on a diet of high-quality live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
    • They can also be fed small sinking pellets or granules formulated for carnivorous fish.
  6. Tank mates:

    • Compatible with other peaceful fish species that require similar water parameters, such as small rasboras or tetras.
    • Avoid housing them with fin-nipping or aggressive fish, as well as other Betta species, to prevent conflicts.
  7. Behavior and Compatibility:

    • Betta ideii are generally shy and prefer calm environments. Males can be territorial, especially during breeding.
    • They are bubble nest builders, and breeding pairs require specific conditions, such as floating plants or breeding mops, to facilitate nesting.
    • Provide plenty of cover and keep them in a peaceful community setup to minimize stress and aggression.

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