Riverpark Aquatics

Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlid (Neolamprologus caudopunctatus)

£8.00 inc. VAT

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Our Guide To Keeping Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlid Fish

  1. About Fish Species:

    • Scientific name: Neolamprologus multifasciatus
    • Common name: Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlid
    • Family: Cichlidae
    • Origin: Lake Tanganyika in Africa
    • Adult length: 5 cm
    • Lifespan: 5 to 8 years
  2. Tank Setup:

    • Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlids prefer a tank with sandy substrate and plenty of empty shells for them to claim as territory and breeding sites.
    • Provide multiple shells per fish to allow them to establish their own territories.
  3. Water Parameters:

    • Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlids thrive in alkaline water conditions with a pH range of 7.8 to 9.0.
    • Keep the water temperature between 24 to 27°C (75 to 80°F).
  4. Filtration and Water Flow:

    • A moderate filtration system is recommended to maintain water quality without creating too much water flow, as these fish inhabit shallow, calm waters in their natural habitat.
  5. Diet:

    • Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlids are primarily micro-predators, feeding on small invertebrates and zooplankton.
    • Offer them a diet consisting of small, high-quality pellets or flakes supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and daphnia.
  6. Tank mates:

    • Due to their territorial nature, it's best to keep Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlids in a species-only tank or with other small, peaceful Tanganyika cichlids.
    • Avoid keeping them with larger or more aggressive fish that may intimidate or outcompete them for resources.
  7. Behavior and Compatibility:

    • Shell-Dwelling Tanganyika Cichlids are highly territorial and will fiercely defend their chosen shells.
    • They form social hierarchies within their colonies, with dominant individuals claiming the best shells and breeding sites.

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