Riverpark Aquatics

Yoyo Loach (Botia almorhae)

£4.50 inc. VAT
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Our Guide To Keeping Yoyo Loach Fish

  1. About Fish Species:

    • Scientific name: Botia almorhae
    • Common name: Yoyo Loach
    • Family: Cobitidae
    • Origin: India, Nepal, and Bangladesh
    • Adult length: 12 - 15 cm
    • Lifespan: 8 to 10 years
  2. Tank Setup:

    • Yoyo Loaches thrive in a tank with plenty of hiding places and substrate for burrowing. A tank size of at least 75 gallons is recommended for a small group of these fish.
    • Provide driftwood, rocks, and caves to create hiding spots, and use sand or fine gravel as substrate.
  3. Water Parameters:

    • Maintain slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.
    • Keep the water temperature between 23 to 29°C (73 to 84°F).
  4. Filtration and Water Flow:

    • Yoyo Loaches prefer moderate water flow, so choose a filter that provides gentle to moderate flow.
  5. Diet:

    • Yoyo Loaches are omnivores, and their diet should include high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
    • Include vegetable matter in their diet, and avoid overfeeding to prevent obesity.
  6. Tank mates:

    • Yoyo Loaches are social and should be kept in groups of at least three individuals.
    • They are compatible with other peaceful community fish but may become aggressive towards their own kind if not kept in a group.
  7. Behavior and Compatibility:

    • Yoyo Loaches are active and may display playful behavior, especially when kept in a group.
    • Avoid keeping them with aggressive or territorial fish that may stress or harm them.

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