Our Guide To Keeping Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp
About Fish Species:
- Scientific name: Neocaridina davidi
- Common name: Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp
- Family: Atyidae
- Origin: Taiwan
- Adult length: 3 cm
- Lifespan: 1.5 to 2 years
Tank Setup:
- Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp thrive in a heavily planted tank with plenty of hiding places like mosses, driftwood, and rocks.
- They do well in small tanks starting from 10 litres, but larger tanks provide more stable water conditions and space for them to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Keep Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp in freshwater with stable parameters: pH 6.5-8.0, temperature 18-24°C (65-75°F), and moderate hardness.
- Maintain good water quality and avoid sudden fluctuations in water parameters to ensure their well-being.
Filtration and Water Flow:
- Choose a gentle filter to maintain water quality without creating strong currents that could stress the shrimp.
- Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp are omnivores and primarily feed on algae. They also accept commercial shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables like zucchini and spinach, and occasional protein-rich foods such as bloodworms.
- Feed them sparingly and remove any uneaten food promptly to keep water conditions optimal.
Tank mates:
- Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp are peaceful and can coexist with small, non-aggressive fish like small tetras, rasboras, and dwarf gouramis.
- Avoid keeping them with larger or aggressive fish that may prey on or disturb them.
Behavior and Compatibility:
- Bloody Mary Red Cherry Shrimp are active scavengers and breed readily in stable aquarium conditions with sufficient food.
- They exhibit interesting behaviors such as grazing on surfaces and molting periodically.